After years of research and clinical testing, we have developed non-invasive, accurate blood tests for early detection of cancer. By making cancer prevention routine, we enable everyone to take control of their own health. The more people take our breakthrough blood tests, the more lives we can save. Life over cancer.

We are preventing and detecting cancer early even before symptoms appear, with an accurate routine blood test to detect and analyze rare precancer and cancer cells

Colorectal cancer is preventable if caught early

The risk for colorectal cancer increases when you are 45 or older.1

Most colorectal cancer begins as precancerous growths (adenomas) in the lining of the colon that can be safely removed, preventing cancer.

In fact, adenomas account for 98% of actionable colonoscopy findings.2 Most importantly, removal of these adenomas reduces mortality from colorectal cancer by 53%.3

Problems with current testing

Colonoscopy has high sensitivity for the detection of adenomas. Unfortunately, compliance with colonoscopy is less than 40%.4 There are non-invasive testing options, both stool- and blood-based. However, they have low sensitivity for the detection of precancerous adenomas. As a result, 60% of colorectal cancer is diagnosed after it is no longer localized,5 when survival rates are low.

Colorectal cancer is the second largest cancer killer in the United States.6

The FirstSightTM Difference

The FirstSightTM blood test has higher accuracy for the detection of adenomas (AUC of .897) than current non-invasive tests, while also maintaining high accuracy for colorectal cancer (AUC of .958).

We look for circulating precancer and cancer cells that are shed in the blood very early in cancer development.

These rare and fragile cells are isolated using a patented (16 patents) platform that comprises multiple proprietary innovations: microfluidic chip, antibodies specific to the colon and rectum, and gentle air-foam release to isolate the captured cells. An algorithm analyzes the results, which are reported as "positive" or "negative".

Who Is This Test For?

Every individual 45 and older should get tested regularly. This is recommended by all major national medical guidelines including the US Preventative Services Taskforce (USPSTF), the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), and The American Cancer Society.

Why FirstSightTM?

  • FirstSightTM requires only a routine blood draw — no bowel prep, no dietary or medication restrictions, no messy stool sample.
  • High accuracy for both adenomas (AUC of .897) and colorectal cancer (.958)
  • Performance has been established in a prospective clinical study.


  1. Wolf et al, "Colorectal Cancer Screening for Average-Risk Adults: 2018 Guideline Update From the American Cancer Society", CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
  2. Imperiale etc al, "Multitarget Stool DNA Testing for Colorectal-Cancer Screening", The New England Journal of Medicine, April 2014
  3. Zauber et al, "Colonoscopic Polypectomy and Long-Term Prevention of Colorectal-Cancer Deaths", The New England Journal of Medicine, February 2012
  4. Patient compliance within 1 year. Inadomi et al, Archives of Internal Med, 2012
  5. Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures, 2017-2019, American Cancer Society
  6. Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures, 2017-2019, American Cancer Society